A lot of women think that their money is secondary or intended to be spent on bills like EMIs. But they don't realise that by doing so, they won't be able to accrue much wealth or property. It's hardly an ideal position. In the face of limited resources, women have to prioritise financial matters and products that have a significant impact on their lives.
Flexi Fixed Deposits:
Preparation builds confidence. Most women do not know how to access their emergency funds or insurance information in the event of an emergency. While it's important to keep tabs on your family's finances, having an emergency fund of your own is essential. You can keep six months' worth of expenses in an easily accessible flexi fixed deposit. The advantage of bank deposits is that one can also borrow up to 90% of the fixed deposit value in short-term loans.. These loans can be applied for quickly and conveniently online. Flexi deposits are appropriate for short-term investments, but they don't perform well for long-term financial objectives of more than 3 years.
Index, Midcap, and Flexicap Funds:
Women hate defeat and avoid any equities like the plague. Investments in the form of bonds and stocks, on the other hand, have a track record of underperformance against inflation. In addition, financial goals have a high monetary value, and most individuals lack the resources necessary to invest in them. If you want to achieve your long-term financial goals, you must have at least 30-40 percent equity exposure.
However, deciding on stocks might be a difficult task. You may imagine how difficult it would be to choose a stock out of 4000 publicly traded options in India. By investing in mutual funds, you may save both time and money because the fund management will do the stock evaluation for you.
Equity funds have consistently delivered risk adjusted returns over extended periods of time for flexicap and midcap funds. Investing in a combination of these funds will provide strong diversity.
Super Top-up Health Insurance:
Being covered by a good health insurance plan is essential. Employer-provided insurance isn't enough. It's a good idea to buy additional health insurance as well. Health insurance policies of Rs 15-20 lakh are advised because of the high costs associated with treating major illnesses, which may be taken as a family floater. Super top-up plans are a more affordable option for health insurance.
A "super top-up" is a low-cost health insurance plan that requires you to make a co-payment. Suppose you have Rs 10 lakh in coverage, with a Rs 1 lakh deductible. You'll pay the first one lakh in claims for the year, and the rest will be covered by the insurance company, which will pay the rest.
National Pension Scheme:
Women's attitudes toward retirement have evolved throughout time. For many people, retirement is a time to pursue their passions and complete unfinished bucket lists. It is thus not possible to develop a sufficient corpus by just investing in typical financial instruments such as the employee benefit plan or the public benefit plan. In order to retire at the age of 50, you need a corpus of Rs 3 crore and would need to invest Rs 48,000 each month if you are 30 years old now with monthly expenses of Rs 50,000. Let's imagine you have a monthly budget of Rs 25,000. At the age of 50, an investment of this size in EPF alone will be worth Rs 1.58 crore. If you put that money into NPS, however, it will increase to a total of Rs 2.50 crore! (assuming 12 percent p.a. returns). If you like, you might mix and match EPF and NPS to reduce the risk.
Saving for retirement might be made more affordable by taking advantage of the National Pension's active equity option. NPS is an excellent approach to save for retirement since it forces you to invest in a consistent manner each year and locks in your money until you turn 60, allowing your money to grow over the years.. In terms of total returns, the active equity option is favoured since it gives a strong equity exposure throughout the investment period.