The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) announced on Friday that the issue price for the next tranche of the Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2021-22, which will open for subscription for five days starting Monday, has been fixed at Rs 4,786 per gram.
From January 10 to 14, 2022, the Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2021-22 - Series XI will be offered for subscription for five days. According to the RBI, the bond's nominal value is Rs 4,791 per gramme of gold. January 18, 2021, will be the date of settlement.
A Government of India Notification dated October 21, 2021, states that the Sovereign Gold Bonds (Series IX) of 2021-22 would be offered for subscription from January 10-14, 2022 with the settlement date of January 18, 2022 in accordance with the conditions of the Notification.
Investors who apply and pay online would receive a reduction of Rs 50 per gramme off the issue price, as agreed upon by the government and RBI.
The Gold Bond would be priced at Rs 4,741 per gram of gold for these investors. The preceding series had a gold issue price of Rs 4,761 per gram.
Limitation, Interest, and other Advantages:
Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited (SHCIL), Clearing Corporation of India Limited (CCIL), post offices, and recognised stock exchanges such as National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange Limited (BSE) will all sell the bonds. Commercial banks (except Small Finance Banks and Payment Banks) will not.
The maximum subscription limit every fiscal year shall be 4 kilogrammes for individuals, 4 kilogrammes for Hindu United Family, and 20 kilogrammes for trusts and similar corporations.
The bond will have an 8-year term, with an exit option exercisable at the end of the fifth year on the next due date for interest payments. An annual interest rate of 2.50 percent on the nominal value of SGBs is paid out semi-annually to investors. Redeeming SGBs to a person results in no capital gains tax being due. Long-term capital gains resulting from the transfer of a bond will be eligible for indexation.